Nightmare Factory's North Pole Slaughter House

By Nightmare Factory in Corpus Christi (other events)

10 Dates Through Jan 01, 2013

Corpus Christi Get ready for North Pole Slaughter House.
Where your Dreams become a Reality. Corpus Christi Get ready for North Pole Slaughter House.

Where your Dreams become a Reality. 

Yes, Nightmare Factory is back at it again with X-Padre Staples Mall Santa gone bad. This Unknown Saint Nick is know for Kidnapping kids and causing hell like no other. Body parts start showing up in presents.

Take advantage of Web deal Regular price is 15 dollars + 5 dollars off with toy for Angel Tree as this years haunt is for kids to have toys. No kids should have to go with out any presents. Help support our cause with Salvation Army bring a toy please.

Limited Web deals....No Refunds
Please bring a toy to donate with web deal!!


361-558-6496 Nightmare Factory Hotline


By participating in the Nightmare Factory and associated activities, you assume all risks and hazards associated with this event, and knowingly and freely assume the risk of any personal injury, property damage, property loss that you may suffer, concur, or sustain which could in any way be construed to be connected with, arise out of, or touch upon your participation in the activities at The Nightmare Factory. The Nightmare Factory is meant to scare and terrify, and assumes no responsibility to how you or others react to such scares. In addition, the haunted house is scary and poorly lit with many obstacles and structures that are potential hazards. By setting foot on the property you assume all risks and responsibilities, and waive the Nightmare Factory, and Jon Orta, of any and all responsibilities, including and not limited to permanent impairment and/or death.